
Activities, exhibitions and projects

Teresa Solar Abboud. Sueño máquina de pájaro

Teresa Solar Abboud. Sueño máquina de pájaro

MACBA, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona

Image: Everything is Ok, Teresa Solar Abboud, 2018 Photographer Roberto Ruiz


From October 31, 2024, to February 23, 2025

The resistance of language and the morphology of speech are two characteristics present throughout the work of Teresa Solar (Madrid, 1985). Her work stems from a constant search for multiple concepts presented as enormous sculptural installations, which in recent years have become more complex through forms related to resistance, hollowness, the body, or bone structure. While initially, the artist relied on drawing and video as fundamental tools of work, over time, her production has focused on sculpture practice and new materials. With them, she has articulated a deployment of forms that reclaim elements related to the organic and lead to a world of metaphors related to currents, voids, and connectivity between openings and hollows.

This project arises from the interest of the CA2M Museum and the MACBA in exhibiting Teresa Solar's work produced during the last years in an individual exhibition. Curated by Tania Pardo (Deputy Director of the CA2M Museum) and Claudia Segura (Exhibition and Collection Curator at MACBA), the main idea of the exhibition is to allude to the relationship with matter, language, and bodily production through a museography that varies, changes, and expands in very different ways in each of its venues.


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