
Women in the Visual Arts

The Women in the Visual Arts Biennial produces and brings together initiatives that make women's talent visible and that have gender as the axis of reflection, debate and creation.

The BMAV, in its fifth edition, strengthens and reinforces the objectives proposed in its previous calls to make visible, support and disseminate the work, artistic, curatorial and research creation of women at national and international level.


BMAV produces and brings together initiatives that showcase the talent of women and treat gender as a catalyst of reflection, debate and creativity, with a view to achieving the following aims:

- To strengthen the idea that gender diversity, like cultural diversity, fosters excellence in art, culture and education.

- To insist on the need to include the criterion of equality in education and culture and in the public and private spheres.

- Strengthen connections with institutions, associations or social groups that share our concept of equality.

- To demonstrate that networking brings more visibility and effectiveness to our actions under the umbrella of sisterhood and reciprocity.

- To consolidate our association as a forum for reflection and critical thinking in the field of feminism, gender and the visual arts.

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